17 June 2012

Ants in My Pants

"Do you have ants in your pants?"  That's a question I've been asked many a time as a child. As a four year old and hearing that for the first time, can you imagine my reaction?  "Nuh uh.  See?" <insert moon> I was busy, according to my mother.  Growing up as a farmer's daughter in a rural community, the world was my playground.  My parents provided all the love and freedom I
needed as I went about my daily expeditions.  Each day brought about a new quest in which I eagerly seized.  And so, I find my grown-up self dabbling in everything, coming and going as long as my interest holds to whatever activity or way of thinking I have employed for the time being. 

Life is an adventure! There's so much to say.  I set up this blog in hopes of beginning to unravel the thoughts, ideas, and curiosities that flow through me daily.  It's that chocolate my my pocket concept again, meaning I just gotta get it out there!  This is my stream of restless drift--a final resting place for my words with an occasional ripple from readers like you who stroke the calmness, however gently.  I welcome the ebb and flow of conversation as it creates somewhat of a beautiful Doppler effect. 

It doesn't take much to entertain me.  I delve into even the most mundane things to find out more.  I love people, especially average Joe's.  What's so fascinating is that no one is average!  With each experience chisels another characteristic to every being.  It's our reactions to our experiences that shape us.  Thus, I am interested in you and your reactions.  Tell me, then, do you have chocolate in your pocket?

Sincerely yours and mine,


P.S. Question: If there's anyone out there truly reading my blog, I want to know how did your upbringing effect your attitudes and interests in the most recent version of yourself?

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